Wednesday, July 15, 2009

WaStOnG nUtRiSiYoN kAiLaNgAn, LiFeStYlE dIsEaSeS iWaSaN.!!!

Nowadays life style diseases such as diabetes are the lead cause of deaths not only in our country but also to the world. But can we have these dangerous diseases? How can these diseases enter our lives? How do these diseases affect our lives?

Lifestyle diseases are the product of unbalanced diet, lack of exercise and improper health habits. Lifestyle diseases can also be taken from cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking. Smoking little and drinking alcohol little is ok to our body. But let us not over do this because everything too much is bad. How can lifestyle diseases affect our lives? Lifestyle diseases are killing us softly. We cannot even easily determine if we are ill unless it is at the last stage or the worst stage of the diseases. How can we over come these lifestyle diseases? Let us not destroy our lives. It’s not yet the end. There many ways to avoid these lifestyle diseases. Let us have an over all change, let us change our lifestyle from bad to good. Nutritional food must be eaten not the junk food, instead of sitting lazy why don’t we have exercise.
It is not yet the end.

Let us fight for our right to live.!!!


  1. ?????????????????????????????????

  2. niCe....iL0ve reAdINg uR bL0g,,,
    g00d job...

  3. thanks for the comment friend....
    obviously friend your addicted in color blue...jejeje
    im tired reading your post...

    but nice.....
    good luck..
    i enjoy reading your post friend....
    keep up the good work..........
    keep safe.......
    study hard.....

  4. ..helo!!!i lab ur work!!!

    ..good job!!!keep it up!!!

    ..kumain ng marami!!!hhaha
